Friday, September 25, 2009

Law Enforcement Corruption

Law Enforcement Corruption: "federal investigators are focused on whether police violated citizens' civil rights, which is a federal offense"
We reported that Prosecutor Daima Calhoun said if we kept pursuing this case she would arrest 72 year old Lee Frank. Lee and her daughter were trying to have the homicide of 68 year old Nye Frank her husbands homicide investiated and for protection from the stalking that was going on. We reported this to the DA staff Cheif DA Mike Rushton who right after this was promoted to a judge. We got a letter stating that because the Prosecutor no longer worked at that office there was nothing that could be done. Mike Rushton sealed the file, denied records till a national victims org contacted him. The prosecutor Daima Calhoun and Mike closed the case exceptionally meaning behind closed doors and without investigation. The killer and his parents stalked 72 year old Lee Frank and her family with full knowledge of the supervisors, sheriff and DA staff. Later we got the audio recordings of the first interview. Phil Reddish the father of the killer spills the beans and tells how he had help in DA office. But we have still been blocked of justice and protection

1 comment:

  1. You have to ask your self why would people in the position of DA Chief, Victims Advocate, Supervisor, Coroner, Sheriff put in a false statement of fact.

    The statements of the Superior Court Judge seems to say it all. He told 74 year old Lee Frank he doubts if she will ever find a attorney, he doubts if she could afford a attorney, he doubts if she will ever make it into court and she could be sued for everything she has.

    Elder Crime Victims are easy targets not only for the criminals, but also the politically corrupt in the Inland Empire. Hate Crime- Easy Target-to deny civil rights.

    From what I can see also the Riverside DA puts the victim funds they deny into unclaimed fund and after 3 years the Supervisors say how the funds can now be used. Surprising that victim funds in Riverside County are under the privacy act.

Phil Reddish telling on him self