The same attorneys represented the County in the Homicide Cover up that denied the rights of the Frank family. Anderson- is the name that keeps coming up 1. the federal judge that contrary to Congress denied rights of the Federal Court. The group that does raids for the Govenerors joint powers raid group is alledged to be ran by a Anderson. And before the case for Ty Reddish Schwartznegger's attorney represented Ty Reddish. A car hit Ali Samimi head on. The police report in Torrance was fraudulently written and when we looked up the driver it is alledgedly a Anderson step son.
Nye Frank built Race Cars Fabrication, Riverside County Rod Pacheco Homicide Coverup, Frank family suffers with the Corruption of Riverside County DA and Sheriff office-The officials don't care if there is proof-they claim privacy for them and seal the case. Closed Homicide as a exceptional when 40 years age difference, Nye had 0 history of fighting and 0 history of knowing how to fight. Ty Reddish has been trained in wrestling, and Sheriff department given letters of similar events that were ignored. He admitted to using choke holds and moves on Nye Frank who was 68 years old.
The same attorneys represented the County in the Homicide Cover up that denied the rights of the Frank family.
ReplyDeleteAnderson- is the name that keeps coming up 1. the federal judge that contrary to Congress denied rights of the Federal Court. The group that does raids for the Govenerors joint powers raid group is alledged to be ran by a Anderson. And before the case for Ty Reddish Schwartznegger's attorney represented Ty Reddish. A car hit Ali Samimi head on. The police report in Torrance was fraudulently written and when we looked up the driver it is alledgedly a Anderson step son.